A group of people wearing small hats pose for the camera.

A fashion show to celebrate ageing

In the face of ageist beliefs which portray older people as one homogenous group, we can help to challenge stereotypes by acknowledging the huge diversity of experiences and celebrating ageing in often underrepresented communities. 

We spoke to Tonic Housing, the UK’s first LGBT+ affirming retirement community, to find out more about the joyful fashion show they hosted earlier this year for the Age Without Limits Action Day (pictured above*).

The Action Day is a chance for individuals and communities, workplaces, friends and families to learn, take action and help change the way we think about ageing. In 2024 the theme was ‘See and Be Seen’.

Feeling seen 

Bob Green OBE, the Head of Operations at Tonic Housing, told us that multiple options to mark the Action Day were discussed, but a fashion show was the unanimous choice. He explained, “it was something that no one had done before, and residents felt it matched the Action Day tagline of 'See and Be Seen'. It was an opportunity to challenge ageism and celebrate older LGBT+ people, who can often feel even more isolated and invisible.”  

He added, “older LGBT+ people too often hide their identities when in retirement housing or when receiving care or support services. The theme of 'See and Be Seen' captured the experiences of many residents, who have reported that living in Tonic means they no longer need to hide or explain who they are.” 

Putting on the show 

Tonic Housing collaborated with Riverside, a retirement housing provider in London, to plan and deliver the event. Twelve Tonic residents and four Riverside residents came together to design a fun array of hats and jewellery, which they then modelled on the catwalk alongside five staff members and facilitators. Bob said, “All loved learning new skills around designing, and for most people it was the first time carrying out these tasks and taking part in a fashion show. The fabulous facilitator encouraged us to let our imaginations run wild. It was great to express ourselves and it was a reminder for some of their first visit to Pride events when they felt they belonged to a larger community for the first time.”  

The fashion show also provided a brilliant opportunity for collaboration. Nine guests from two other LGBT+ organisations joined Tonic Housing and Riverside to watch the fashion show: Brixton Umbrella Circle, a social group for older LGBT+ people in South London, and The Outside Project, a LGBT+ community centre and shelter for people of all ages in London. This meant that the fashion show also became a space for intergenerational discussion. 

Bob explained that this was important because, “intergenerational dialogue can ensure LGBT+ communities learn from the challenges of the past and it can also keep older LGBT+ people aware of the current experiences of younger LGBT+ people. It also ensures people understand the intersectional experiences within our communities, recognising that some members of the LGBT+ communities have different experiences and face other challenges. Older and younger LGBT+ people can learn from each other and work together to campaign for better services for all our communities.” 

What’s next? 

Bob told us, “Life is very challenging for LGBT+ people as we enter the second half of the 2020s. In this environment, older LGBT+ people need safe and welcoming homes and opportunities to meet others from their communities, of all ages and various backgrounds. During 2024, Opening Doors, the only charity dedicated to the support of older LGBT+ people, closed for good so there is even more need for organisations and policy makers to focus on the needs and voices of older LGBT+ people.” 

Tonic Housing are planning events to keep celebrating visibility at other moments throughout the year, including Loneliness Awareness Week, Pride and their 10th birthday in November 2024.

If you want to find out more about how you can take part in our next Age Without Limits Action Day (June 2025) don’t forget to sign up to our Age Without Limits newsletter or follow us on social media! 

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*All photos: Alice Horsley (@_alicehorsley