
Access all our resources, including campaign assets, reports, letters and support on age-friendly society, work and homes.

A man crouches down on grass and takes a photo using a camera.

How to use the age-positive image library

Learn more about using our age-positive image library, which contains over 3,000 photos showing a more realistic depiction of ageing.

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A man sits by a computer and handles a parcel behind the desk at a post office.

Five ways employers can make their workplaces more age-friendly

We have identified five ways employers can make their workplaces more age-friendly to show they value older workers.

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Two people dancing together

Host an event

Find inspiration for some things you could do in your community to help challenge ageism and embrace positive ageing.

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Older people cooking

Action Day resources to download

We’ve created some free, downloadable materials to support you in whatever you do to mark the Age Without Limits Action Day.

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Two line dancers

Ageism - key facts and stats

Get to know the facts about ageism and how it affects different parts of our lives.

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A toilet sign

Access to a toilet when you need it

Having access to a toilet is a basic human right.The problem is getting worse. We have lost nearly 60% of public toilets since 2010 – largely due to…

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An older man and younger woman walking

Find out how walkable your community is

Having the ability to move around our local area is important for us all – it means that we can stay involved in our communities, enjoy…

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Two older women shopping

Ask your local high street businesses to offer you a seat

We all get tired after a long day on our feet. There is a simple solution to give people confidence to get out and about and it starts with…

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An older worker and younger worker chatting

In your images

Here are 5 top tips for taking and using age-positive photos.

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Woman leading a training session

Five ways to make your business age-friendly

We have identified five ways you can make your business more age-friendly and accessible for the benefit of all age groups – and your…

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An older couple on a bus

How to make your local transport more accessible

Accessible, affordable transport is essential for people of all ages. It allows us to live our lives freely. But we don’t all have equal…

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Group of older people jogging outdoors

Are you being ageist flowchart

Ageism is complicated, but challenging it doesn’t have to be! This Ageism Flowchart is a simple reminder of how our words and actions make a…

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